Skin Revolution | Is Diffused Redness a Skin Concern? - Elsa Kaplanian

Skin Revolution | Is Diffused Redness a Skin Concern? – Elsa Kaplanian



Is Diffused Redness a Skin Concern? by Elsa Kelpanian – FULL VIDEO HERE.

Transcript: “I’m going to  share something with you this afternoon. It’s about diffused redness. I’m having clients lately and their concern is about diffused redness, blotchy skin or dilated capillaries all over the face and how we can address that.”


The Microcirculation.

Now, first I’d like to explain about the microcirculation of the skin. Microcirculation is the capillaries, group of capillaries that really take the blood to the cells of the skin transporting nutrients and also eliminating waste from the cells.



When they’re under stress they’re not functioning very well. Some of the capillaries they get dilated. That means in one area there’s lots of blood and in another area they’re restricted so there’s no blood going in the area so the nourishment is not reaching evenly and the waste is not going out evenly from the skin. It’s not a healthy cellular function at all.


Most of the people that come from a Celtic background Anglo Saxon they are more prone to this because they are very fair. They blush easily, but it does not mean an olive skin like me is not going to have it either. So that’s the genetic part of it.


But also there is the lifestyle part of it which is very important. The lifestyle makes a big difference. Eating healthy, lot’s of EFA’s, (essential fatty acids,) good minerals, drinking lots of water. The UV rays can damage those capillaries and smoking will stop the oxygen, will deplete the oxygen from reaching all of the cells. Hot showers the extreme temperatures. Hot or cold showers, will cause that also. And hormonal, digestive disorders and also the cosmetic history. What people have been using the last few years on their skin that has depleted the healthy cell function of their skin.



By adjusting your lifestyle as well as doing your home care, that’s when you’re going to find a good result with this kind of treatment.


“Remember, genetics load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.”


So it is very important to address the whole issue together to achieve a healthy glow and lovely pinkish skin. 



Another thing with the hormonal issue, we have beautiful nutritionists around anything to do with digestive issues and hormonal issues and with your skin care issue you come and see Helen.

Thank you very much. I hope that was helpful.
Elsa xx”


Let me introduce Elsa Kaplanian. We go a few years back when we met at one of the International Association of Applied Corneotherapy conferencences. Elsa and I hit it off straight away with our love of all things skin and a love of dance. And BOY can this babe boogie! She can’t help herself and has so much energy.
Elsa specialises in customised skin care, cosmetic tattooing, IPL and oncology aesthetics. Elsa owns and operates Anoush Beauty in Forster NSW Australia and is of Armenian heritage. Elsa has found “her tribe” in Corneotherapy, (the method all of the experts in ‘Skin Revolution’ practice.) And Elsa is a well known and a welcome face in the world of Corneotherapy. It’s always so great to catch up with Elsa and we have such a fun time together. Thank you to a skin sister for gracing us with your knowledge and your wonderful personality for this year’s ‘Skin Revolution’ from us all xx.

Skin Revolution | Inflammaging - Pia Kynoch

Skin Revolution | Inflammaging – Pia Kynoch

Inflammaging – by Pia Kynoch, as published in Dermascope magazine


The mysteries of aging that control an individual’s lifespan, and the way they look and feel, are still yet to be completely unraveled, despite the many scientific advances in all the relevant fields of medicine, genetics, health, and wellness.

Aging is truly a complex collaboration involving epidemiology, psychology, and cell biology, and there is no single theory that satisfactorily explains all aspects of aging. A host of molecular, cellular, structural, and functional alterations affect tissues and organs to varying degrees, which is occurring at the same time various psychosocial factors exert their influence. All of this means it can be a little bewildering to know how to age gracefully, especially if it begins before a person is even born.



What is Inflammaging?

Inflammageing is a result of a multitude of influencing factors beginning at preconception and pre- and post-natal health, and is added to through genetic susceptibility, injuries, environment, lifestyle, and all the different conditions in which an individual is born, grows, works, lives, and ages – even how they sleep. Social determinants, such as income, education, employment, and social support, can strengthen or undermine the health of individuals and their ability to cope with inflammation.


Possible Treatments:

There is no one magic bullet to prevent the onset and progression of inflammageing. How an individual chooses to move, eat, drink, and think at every single stage of life will contribute to their personal skin and body inflammageing history – so will the skin treatments that they have chosen to work with.



LED light therapy is photobiostimulation that offers positive regenerative effects at the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels. LED works powerfully when combined with either sonophoresis

(low frequency sound waves) or pulsed iontophoresis (galvanic current) by massively enhancing penetration of specifically chosen actives (vitamins and other anti-inflammatories) into the skin to improve cell health at the subepidermal junction level. Enzyme facial treatments are also a less invasive option that aim to restore vital cellular nutrition and oxygenation for reduced inflammation and better skin function.



As corneotherapy gains more and more momentum in the skin industry, there has been a notable shift away from traditional microdermabrasion and peels, as these erode the upper levels of the skin, (stratum corneum,) a vital layer for optimal functioning and overall optimal wellness. If the stratum corneum is continually compromised, inflammation can spiral out of control. Common presentations of inflammatory-based skin conditions are acne, dermatitis, pigmentation, urticaria, loss of laxity, and glycation.


Heat-based Modalities

Heat-based modalities such as IPL, radio frequency, and laser can all be extremely effective as antiaging modalities, yet all do induce inflammation in the skin, so it sensible practice to understand the underlying levels of inflammation in your skin before beginning a treatment, and how to best ensure you have the nutrient resources required to combat the inflammation that will be created. Hormones, immune function, starting point skin health, and nutritional status are all factors for your Skin Treatment Therapist to consider.




In terms of nutrition, it is well established that a balanced diet with sufficient essential nutritional elements to suit the lifestyle of the person is critical for maintaining an optimally healthy body. Both nutritional excess and deficiency, as well as defective gastrointestinal digestion and absorption functions, are associated with disease, so working with a professional could be the best option to ensure you are optimizing your antioxidant nutrient capacity. A recent study found that increases in polyphenol intake, measured through a Mediterranean diet (extra virgin olive oil, nuts, fruit, vegetables, and red wine) are inversely associated with inflammatory biomarkers through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.


Mindful Movements

Increasing awareness about the best choices for a unique recipe for inner and outer health is the perfect beginning. Science has shown that meditation, mindfulness, and mindful movement practices, such as Qi Gong, can positively impact specific markers of inflammation and potentially improve immunity and biological aging. Considering an intentional and sustained practice of conscious mindfulness to improve aging is a free, accessible, and fairly easy place to begin.

The coming decades are projected to see a move into the most long-lived populations of all time. It is possible to facilitate successful aging by devising individualized, multi-pronged solution plans that include a number of internal and external anti-inflammatory focused support measures to promote and protect health, energy, and wellness.

With love,


Let me introduce Pia Kynoch. We met at the International Association of Applied Corneotherapy conference when it was held in NZ 2018 and we hit it off straight away. A kindred spirit in light and energy but also in skin and making a difference in peoples lives.
Pia owns and operates Melbourne
skin clinic Verve Beauty Skin Wellness, is twice published and is a qualified Naturopath. Pia also has completed certification in yoga, Reki, Qi-Gong and practices mindfulness. She specialises in energy and boy does she have some to share!!
I knew Pia was my girl as soon as we met and am so grateful to have someone to buzz off in an industry we both love. I hope to work with Pia more in the future, making waves in an industry that could do with a shake up and a “Skin Revolution!” Thank you Pia for being a leader and a comrade in this skin loving revolution.

Skin Revolution | Winter Skin Saving Tips – Meredith Hansen

Skin Revolution | Winter Skin Saving Tips – Meredith Hansen



For many, winter brings the joy of skiing, snowshoeing and other outdoor activities and for others, it’s cozying up with a good book by the fire.

But the one thing that we all can agree on is that although winter activities are a highlight for many living in the Okanagan, it also takes a toll on your skin – feeling dry, dull and often (because of the dryness) quite irritated. If this sounds familiar to you, here are a few tips to help you get relief from the dryness of winter and get that healthy glow back.



Add Moisture to the Air

A great way to help with the lack of moisture in the air is to invest in a humidifier for your home, particularly for your bedroom. One of the primary culprits of Okanagan winters is that the ambient humidity is low, which is then compounded by switching on the furnace to stay toasty warm. We work hard to keep our bodies hydrated by consuming our eight glasses a day, but in this climate will rapidly suck water from your skin, making it difficult to drink enough water. Using a humidifier will slow down the moisture-loss process, and your skin will thank you for it.


Barrier Protection & Repair

Another tool to relieve dry itchiness and restore that dewy complexion is to add an oil-based barrier cream such as an OleoGel from Dermaviduals. By using a barrier cream over top of your regular night cream, or when your swishing down

the slopes your skin will be protected and soothed by supporting a healthy barrier function and slow down the loss of water from the surface. Using a barrier cream will keep the balance of oil and water tipped in your skin’s favour!


Winter Aging Rays

Sun protection is a crucial step that is often overlooked during the grey days of winter. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security of not needing an SPF. Did you know that even during the winter, and with cloud cover, UVA (“A” as in Aging) rays are still causing sun damage? While you don’t need the same level

of protection as you would in the summer, a daily SPF 15 will keep the premature ageing rays at bay.

Speaking of UV damage, I still hear clients feeling the need to use the tanning beds at this time of year to boost their mood. Although I understand the need, this is not at all safe for your skin. Instead, I highly recommend sitting in front of a SAD lamp instead.



Tropical Tips

If you like to get away from the cold of the Okanagan for a tropical vacation, be even more mindful of protecting your skin. As tempting as it is to hit the beach to warm up and get a tan, wear a wide-brimmed hat and liberally apply SPF 30.


“When you’re coming from a cold winter climate with light skin to the beautiful sunshine, you’re in prime position to burn.”


I think we all know how uncomfortable tight, tender and sore red skin feels.

If you’re doing all of these things and your skin is still feeling tight, dry and irritated, it may be time to have a professional skin therapist give you direction. An Advanced Skin Consultation will assess what’s happening to your skin on the surface as well below what the naked eye can see using technology like the skin scanner plus go over your current products to ensure you’re not inadvertently doing more damage than good. You’ll be given a highly targeted, custom home care and clinic treatment plan to take home, so you know your exact next steps for revealing healthy, youthful skin.

Although our warm Okanagan summers are what make us famous, winter can be just as much fun – especially when you’re comfortable in your skin!


With Smiles



Let me introduce Meredith Hansen. A regular at the International Association of Applied Corneotherapy conferences I attend and skin studio owner all the way from British Columbia, Canada. Meredith ownes and operates Illuminate Skin Care and Esthetics. With a strong belief in self-care, Meredith’s goal for her clients is to help people love the skin they’re in with an emphasis on making corrective skin care a relaxing experience. “They can go together” says Hansen.
Meredith is always a welcome sight at the international conferences. She strives for education and expanding her knowledge. Asking intelligent questions so she can guide her tribe in the beautiful Okanagan region what is best for their skin. She’s a smart cookie and I’m so proud to have Meredith on board for this years Skin Revolution.
Thank you Meredith Hansen from your Skin Revolution comrades over in Wellington New Zealand xx

Helen Daly – skinfocus