Bestow Beauty | Growing A Healthy Gut Garden Pt. 2 - Janine Tait

Bestow Beauty | Growing A Healthy Gut Garden Pt. 2 – Janine Tait

Growing A Healthy Gut Garden Pt. 2 – Janine Tait (Bestow Beauty)


Growing a healthy gut garden is a helpful metaphor for understanding how to care for your gut in order to support beautiful skin.


To grow a flourishing gut garden follow these four principles, which form the basis of the Bestow Gut Health Cleanse.
Today we are taking a closer look at principles three and four.


  1. Create a healthy soil environment
  2. Plant good seeds
  3. Nurture the plants
  4. Starve the weeds





THREE \ Nurture the Plants
Prebiotics feed probiotics. They are particular types of foods containing resistant fibres which feed the live beneficial bacteria and fungi in the large intestine. They pass through the small intestine undigested. This means that when they reach the large intestine they can feed the beneficial microbe populations. Prebiotics provide fertiliser and nourishment to help the good plants grow. 
Dietary sources of prebiotics all have resistant fibres as a common denominator. In the Bestow Gut Health Cleanse, key prebiotic food sources are sweet potato, onion, garlic, leek, banana and apple.
Prebiotic powders provide a helpful gut boost. Bestow Be Cleansed powder supplies prebiotics in the form of flax fibre and slippery elm. Bestow Gut Love + (new and out now,) is a world-class symbiotic powder including probiotics, prebiotics and digestive enzymes for a thriving gut garden.



FOUR \ Starve the Weeds

Your diet is an essential dimension of gut health. As well as nurturing good seeds, you need to starve the weeds in your gut garden. The bad microbes in your gut can easily overtake the populations of good bacteria if you don’t keep them in check.

Avoid sugar, processed food and alcohol altogether while you are healing your gut in order to give your gut flora a chance to thrive without being choked out by weeds.

Till next time,




It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Janine Tait. Janine is an internationally qualified beauty therapist with over 30 years experience in the beauty industry, a dermo-nutrition expert, and educator with a particular interest in skin health and wellbeing

At the centre of Janine’s philosophy is the belief that skin health and beauty is intrinsically linked to inner health.

Frustrated by the lack of results from common skincare products and a beauty industry fraught with misinformation, Janine developed Bestow Beauty – a range that consists of various ‘skin foods’ and nutritious recipes that are highly beneficial for both body and skin.

Bestow Beauty | Growing A Healthy Gut Garden Pt. 1 - Janine Tait

Bestow Beauty | Growing A Healthy Gut Garden Pt. 1 – Janine Tait

Growing A Healthy Gut Garden – Janine Tait (Bestow Beauty)



As every gardener knows, the same soil can grow beautiful flowers and toxic weeds. Did you know it is the same with your gut?  
Oh, and I’m not talking about planting an actual garden…


Growing a healthy gut garden is a helpful metaphor for understanding how to care for your gut in order to support beautiful skin.


To grow a flourishing gut garden follow these four principles which form the basis of the Bestow Love Your Gut ProgrammeToday we are looking at principles one and two.

  1. Create a healthy soil environment
  2. Plant good seeds
  3. Nurture the plants
  4. Starve the weeds





ONE \\ Create A Healthy Soil Environment
The quality of the soil in your gut garden will hugely influence the quality of the gut flora (microbes) that grow there. An integrative approach is needed to prepare an inner environment that will promote flourishing gut flora.

Fibre is an essential factor in gut healing. The optimum environment for healthy gut microbes occurs in a digestive system where wastes, toxins and hormones are regularly eliminated through the bowel. You can’t heal a constipated skin!
Fibre Sources: Avoid processed foods and eat a whole-food diet rich in fruit and vegetables. Bestow Be Cleansed powder includes a range of soluble and insoluble fibres to promote regular elimination.
Avoid Aggravating Foods
As part of preparing the gut for healing it is important to remove common aggravating foods like grains, beans, pulses, legumes and night-shades. These foods contain anti-nutrients (phyto-actives that have no nutritional value), which can be irritating to the gut. After your gut is stronger, you can try re-introducing these one at a time.

Fortify the Gut Wall
Healing and repairing the gut wall is a vital part of an integrated approach to gut restoration. A leaky, permeable gut allows harmful microbes to escape and enter the blood stream where they can cause irritation and inflammation in the skin.
Bone broths are a key feature of the Bestow Love Your Gut Programme, because they contain specific amino acids which help to repair the gut wall. Liquorice, slippery elm, organic sulphur and L-glutamine are key ingredients in Bestow Be Cleansed powder and are instrumental in facilitating healing and repair of the gut wall.



TWO \ Plant Good Seeds

Probiotics are the good seeds you plant in your gut garden. Probiotics are beneficial live microbes (bacteria and fungi) which your gut needs in order to thrive. Stress, poor diet and some medications can deplete good bacteria populations. To support your gut, you need to supply it with probiotics on a daily basis.


Fermented foods generate beneficial live bacteria and fungi as part of the natural fermentation process. Sauerkraut, kombucha and coconut yoghurt are key foods in the Bestow Love Your Gut Programme for this reason.

Organic fruit and vegetables provide beneficial microbes via the tiny particles of unsterilized soil they carry. These microbes will provide protection against allergens in the environment in which they grow, so eat organic produce from your local area for optimal health benefits.

Probiotic Powders/Supplements are a great way to boost your probiotic intake on a daily basis. Bestow Gut Love + is a world-class symbiotic powder including probiotics, prebiotics and digestive enzymes for a thriving gut garden.

Note: It’s important to eat from a variety of probiotic sources in order to supply a wide range of microbe strains. The goal is to grow a garden with a variety of beneficial gut flora, so make sure you plant more than one type of seed!

Till next time,




It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Janine Tait. Janine is an internationally qualified beauty therapist with over 30 years experience in the beauty industry, a dermo-nutrition expert, and educator with a particular interest in skin health and wellbeing

At the centre of Janine’s philosophy is the belief that skin health and beauty is intrinsically linked to inner health.

Frustrated by the lack of results from common skincare products and a beauty industry fraught with misinformation, Janine developed Bestow Beauty – a range that consists of various ‘skin foods’ and nutritious recipes that are highly beneficial for both body and skin.

Bestow Beauty | The Gut/Skin Connection - Janine Tait

Bestow Beauty | The Gut/Skin Connection – Janine Tait

The Gut Skin Connection – Janine Tait (Bestow Beauty)


Beautiful skin begins in the gut.

“The research is clear: if you want to transform your skin, learn how to love and care for your gut.”


Thanks to my pioneering mentor, I was fortunate to discover the link between gut health and skin health several decades ago. “Janine, you can’t heal a constipated skin,” Jan used to tell me, and she was right! 
Poor gut health and sluggish elimination lead to an overloaded liver and inflammatory toxins in the skin. This exacerbates acne, congested and sensitive or inflamed skin. When we balance and repair the gut, the skin has a chance to heal and strengthen.
Recently, new research has been revealing fascinating insights about the gut-skin connection, which confirms what we have observed in holistic skincare practice for decades.



8 Things You Should Know About the Gut/Skin Connection


  1. Structurally the skin and gut are very similar.
  2. Disordered skin mirrors a disordered gut. Research shows that people suffering from skin problems like acne, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea, sensitive and inflamed skin are also likely to suffer from poor gut health.                                                                                          
  3. The gut is home to trillions of microbes – some good and some bad – that have the power to support our health or make us sick. Collectively they are known as the gut microbiome.                                                                                                                                             
  4. A healthy gut has more good than bad microbes. It maintains a harmonious balance.                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  5. Gut dysbiosis is a term used to describe an unbalanced, unhealthy gut microbiome. This is a common disorder in people with skin challenges.                                                                                                                                                                                                  
  6. Some gut microbes produce inflammatory substances that get into the bloodstream and fuel inflammation in the skin.                                                                                                                                                                          
  7. Sometimes, gut microbes themselves can enter the body via the bloodstream and negatively impact on the skin. A leaky gut wall makes this more likely.                                                                                                                                                                                
  8. Good microbes produce anti-inflammatory, strengthening substances that directly improve our skin barrier function.



We developed the Bestow Love Your Gut programme to make it easy for people to put this knowledge into action. This one week online programme gives you the recipes, rituals, meal-planner, guides and wellness wisdom to support your skin by re-balancing your gut.
Next time we will talk about how to grow a healthy gut garden (internally!)
Till then…



It’s my pleasure to introduce you to Janine Tait. Janine is an internationally qualified beauty therapist with over 30 years experience in the beauty industry, a dermo-nutrition expert, and educator with a particular interest in skin health and wellbeing

At the centre of Janine’s philosophy is the belief that skin health and beauty is intrinsically linked to inner health.

Frustrated by the lack of results from common skincare products and a beauty industry fraught with misinformation, Janine developed Bestow Beauty – a range that consists of various ‘skin foods’ and nutritious recipes that are highly beneficial for both body and skin.