Skin Revolution | Is Diffused Redness a Skin Concern? - Elsa Kaplanian

Skin Revolution | Is Diffused Redness a Skin Concern? – Elsa Kaplanian



Is Diffused Redness a Skin Concern? by Elsa Kelpanian – FULL VIDEO HERE.

Transcript: “I’m going to  share something with you this afternoon. It’s about diffused redness. I’m having clients lately and their concern is about diffused redness, blotchy skin or dilated capillaries all over the face and how we can address that.”


The Microcirculation.

Now, first I’d like to explain about the microcirculation of the skin. Microcirculation is the capillaries, group of capillaries that really take the blood to the cells of the skin transporting nutrients and also eliminating waste from the cells.



When they’re under stress they’re not functioning very well. Some of the capillaries they get dilated. That means in one area there’s lots of blood and in another area they’re restricted so there’s no blood going in the area so the nourishment is not reaching evenly and the waste is not going out evenly from the skin. It’s not a healthy cellular function at all.


Most of the people that come from a Celtic background Anglo Saxon they are more prone to this because they are very fair. They blush easily, but it does not mean an olive skin like me is not going to have it either. So that’s the genetic part of it.


But also there is the lifestyle part of it which is very important. The lifestyle makes a big difference. Eating healthy, lot’s of EFA’s, (essential fatty acids,) good minerals, drinking lots of water. The UV rays can damage those capillaries and smoking will stop the oxygen, will deplete the oxygen from reaching all of the cells. Hot showers the extreme temperatures. Hot or cold showers, will cause that also. And hormonal, digestive disorders and also the cosmetic history. What people have been using the last few years on their skin that has depleted the healthy cell function of their skin.



By adjusting your lifestyle as well as doing your home care, that’s when you’re going to find a good result with this kind of treatment.


“Remember, genetics load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.”


So it is very important to address the whole issue together to achieve a healthy glow and lovely pinkish skin. 



Another thing with the hormonal issue, we have beautiful nutritionists around anything to do with digestive issues and hormonal issues and with your skin care issue you come and see Helen.

Thank you very much. I hope that was helpful.
Elsa xx”


Let me introduce Elsa Kaplanian. We go a few years back when we met at one of the International Association of Applied Corneotherapy conferencences. Elsa and I hit it off straight away with our love of all things skin and a love of dance. And BOY can this babe boogie! She can’t help herself and has so much energy.
Elsa specialises in customised skin care, cosmetic tattooing, IPL and oncology aesthetics. Elsa owns and operates Anoush Beauty in Forster NSW Australia and is of Armenian heritage. Elsa has found “her tribe” in Corneotherapy, (the method all of the experts in ‘Skin Revolution’ practice.) And Elsa is a well known and a welcome face in the world of Corneotherapy. It’s always so great to catch up with Elsa and we have such a fun time together. Thank you to a skin sister for gracing us with your knowledge and your wonderful personality for this year’s ‘Skin Revolution’ from us all xx.