Environ Mother's Day Giveaway

Environ Mother’s Day Giveaway


WIN the ‘Ultimate Environ Skin Indulgence Pack’ for the deserving mother figure in your life this Mother’s Day!



Environ Revival Masque 15ml – Nicknamed ‘Face-Lift in a Jar’ by its creator, Dr Des Fernandes, the Revival Masque is formulated with a revolutionary combination of ingredients to specifically target the effects of photo-damaged skin and the appearance of uneven skin texture.

Environ Hydrating Oil Capsules 10 Caps – The Hydrating Oil Capsules a luxurious treatment oil, delivering a concentrated burst of vitamin enriched hydration for the skin.

Environ Super Moisturiser 15ml – The Super Moisturiser is the ultimate moisture boost to add to your current Vitamin A moisturiser. It contains a variety of dynamic moisturizers and emollients that assist in enhancing the effects of the skin’s barrier function, as well as its natural moisturizing factors.

Environ Antioxidant Gel 15ml – This water-based gel contains a blend of antioxidants and moisturizers to assist in defending the skin against free radicals, associated with harmful external influences such as pollution and excess sun exposure. Perfect for after a day out in the sun or strolling through the city.



1. Head over to our Instagram or Facebook

2. Follow @skinfocus1

3. Tag a deserving mum or motherly figure in the comments of the post

4. Share the same post to your Instagram Stories or Facebook Feed for an extra entry (make sure you tag us @skinfocus1 so we can see)


Terms and Conditions

Open to New Zealand Residents. Competition closes 6.05.21. All entries via the @skinfocus1 post are pooled and a winner is selected at random and announced within 5 working days of closing date via the caption of the @skinfocus1 competition post. Prize is non-redeemable for cash or otherwise.

Body Snacks | Helen Daly

Body Snacks | Helen Daly

Body Snacks – Helen Daly

What does our skin like to eat?  It’s as easy as A, B, C.  Oh and let’s not forget a lot of E.  
There are secret little passages for getting various substances past your cell wall and into your skin cell.  Only substances with the correct key will be able to pass through.  A gate keeper, (your cell receptors along the cell wall,) and a key holder, (the correct substance that holds the right code.)  Anything other than this, acts like an attack on your cell. A healthy cell will be able to defend.  A weak cell will burn and die.


Isn’t it amazing to learn what your body has to put up with every day? 


Understanding antioxidants - Harvard Health



Vitamin A has to be the “Mama” of all the vitamins.  The foundation for skin health.  If you don’t have this in your skin care arsenal, then you eventually will do when working with us.  

  • Cell normaliser
  • Regulates DNA
  • Increases cell formation
  • Protects from UV and environmental damage
  • Increases the production of collagen and your skin’s natural hydration
  • And increases the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to your skin 


Vitamin B plays an important part in keeping your skin cells healthy.  In many forms it will:

  • Increase the hydration of your skin  
  • Soothe your skin 
  • Limits DNA damage by acting as a natural sunscreen
  • Controls excess pigmentation production

In parallel with vitamin A it will:

  • Facilitate in the repair of DNA
  • Increase cell production  


Vitamin C a supportive antioxidant.  (Fun fact, only humans and guinea pigs cannot make their own vitamin C.  Dunno why?)  So we must get our vitamin C from our diets and by topically applying it for our skin.  This ‘free-radical scavenger,’ will:

  • Reduce the production of abnormal pigmentation 

And along with it’s mentor, vitamin A, will:  

  • Protect against environmental damage
  • Improves wrinkles
  • Rebuilds scars and many more anti-oxidant benefits


Vitamin E a power house antioxidant.  Has a short life span, but can be reactivated by other antioxidant substances like Vitamin C.  C and E are besties if you like. 

  • Lengthens the life of cells
  • Prevents DNA mutations and cancers 
  • Protects nerve tissue  
  • A free-radical scavenger, restoring rogue cells. 


So eat and topically apply your A, B, C’s and E’s twice a day. Variety is key!