Spring Skin Offer 2024 has finished now stay tuned for June 2025

Welcome to a fresh approach to your skin

A 10 week ‘skin self love’ program to welcome new clients, that celebrates inner beauty and feeling confident in your own skin.

This program is designed not only to improve your immediate skin health, but to empower and give you the tools to maintain your results beyond the 10 weeks.

What do I get?

Introductory Advanced Skin Analysis with the brand new OBSERV 520x diagnostic machine at an amazing 52% off to welcome all new clients.

You’ll receive an individual skin plan and product regime.

$190 worth of complimentary products.

x2 discounted skin treatments or a course of treatments over Spring. Fully customised to your skin and your #skingoals.

  • 10 weeks worth of expert advice covering skin health and self love straight to your inbox.

  • Delicious food recipes to support your skin from the inside.

  • The ‘Healthy Gig Guide” and much more.


I'm in! Here's how.

1, Book in for your introductory OBSERV Skin Analysis, (52% off.)

2, Purchase the prescribed skin products, (the basics.)

3, Book in for your discounted Skin Treatments over Spring.

4, Enjoy your treatments, home care, complimentary products and your results.

You’re welcome x

Introducing your Industry Experts

Gilly McGilleducator, trainer, beauty therapist & territory manager

Jo Saunderseducator, trainer, beauty therapist & territory manager

We can guarantee your skin will be the best it can be.

Please enjoy scrolling through previous years before and after results.

100% true results, 100% our results, 100% no airbrushing.


Oriental Bay - Skin firming and tightening in early 60's

11 weeks between photos, 4 skin care products and 3 LED Skin Treatments.

After this client’s Advanced Skin Analysis and a lifetime of fun in the sun, with an underlying inflammatory skin condition of sebhorric dermatitis, we had to be very cautious when improving the strength of this clients skin. Rather than treating wrinkles we focused on the health of the skin and improvement of wrinkles and strength came with that. The only products Miss Oriental Bay used was Dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Dermaviduals Avocado Oil day and night, Dermaviduals SPF 30 and OleoGel Plus Balm at night. Bestow Beauty Oil Plus was also taken as an internal supplement for the skin part way through this plan to support essential fatty acid deficient skin.

Miramar - Dry and devitilised in mid 60's

8 weeks between photos, 6 skin care products and 3 45 minute skinfocus skin treatments.

After an Advanced Skin Analysis which established zero skin oils and below par hydration a tweak to this clients home care routine and lifestyle along with small regular skin treatments the improvements have been astounding. Skin is so much stronger due to stimulation of collagen and elastin by using the ingredients Vitamin A, C and E and hydration and healthy protective oils produced by using internal supplements Bestow Beauty Plus Oil and Gut Love + weaved into her daily diet. Other products used Cleansing Milk, Lotion N, Eye Gel Plus, Customised Serum, Novrithen day cream and Vitamin Cream Mask night cream. This client also uses the Environ Gold Roller religiously and it works.

Khandallah - Rosacea and adult acne in late 20's

10 weeks between photos, 4 skin care products and 4 LED skin treatments.

After this client’s Advanced Skin Analysis we could establish Rosacea and Acne type 2. Products prescribed were Dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Dermaviduals Liposome Concentrate Plus serum and Dermaviduals Avocado Oil. At a later date the Bestow Gut Love+ skin supplement was started to help support the gut due to medication intake. LED skin treatments with the odd Dermaviduals Enzyme Mask and Dermaviduals serums consisting of acne support and essential fatty acids. This client is in her late 20’s.

Karori - Dull, dry and prevention of ageing in mid 40's

9 weeks between photos, 4 skin care products and 3 one hour skinfocus Skin Treatments.

After this clients Advanced Skin Analysis I could see that the skin was on the verge of tipping over the point where wrinkles become established and extremenly hard to repair which often happens in the 40’s age group. From the digital analysis, hydration was extremely low and poor oils were extremely high causing a grainy texture and dull appearance. Bestow Beauty Oil Plus and Gut Love + were used internally to address this as was Dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Lotion N, Novrithen day and night moisturiser and SPF 30.

Kelburn - Healthy aging and anti-wrinkle in mid 50's

16 weeks, 4 skin care products and 4 one hour skinfocus Skin Treatments.

Already a sophisticated skin care user, after an Advanced Skin Analysis and an alignment of skin products a skin treatment plan was established. And I’m pleased to say that this client has worked their way up to the higher levels of home care products including a home Gold Roller. This is used for 5 minutes, 3 – 5 times a week making this skin go from strength to strength quite literally. Products used are Environ YouthEssentiA Cleansing Lotion, Serum 4 both day and night, Defence Creme for a day moisturiser and A, C & E Oil as a night moisturiser.

Wadestown - Inflammation and dermatitis turning 40

3 weeks between photos, 2 skin care products and 1 LED Skin Treatment.

Extreme stress exposed the inflammatory skin condition peri-oral dermatitis which presents as skin inflammation with dry flaking skin over the top generally found around the mouth, nose and eyes but can appear anywhere in the right circumstances. Internal Supplements of Omega 3, Omegas 3 & 6 in the form of Bestow Beauty Oil Plus and Gut Love + has started to help this client balance her internal microbiome and essential fatty acid absorption. To balance her external microbiome of the skin simply Dermaviduals Cleansing Milk used as a cleanser and light moisturiser and Eye Gel Plus to address the clients concern of eye hydration.

Thorndon - Wrong products and travel in early 60's

5 weeks between photos, 5 skin care products and one 90 minute skinfocus Skin Treatment.

After travelling, running out of products and getting dermatitis the skin had a wonderful turn around. With an extremely calming and nourishing skin treatment using enzyme masks, serums and LED treatment and the soothing skin identical home care products we were very happy with the result. It was as if the skin hadn’t been anywhere at all. Home care products include Dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Lotion P, Customised Moisturiser, Novrithen moisturiser for dermatitis and Vitamin Cream Mask as night cream.

Island Bay - Back on the bandwagon turning 40

4 weeks between photos, 3 skin care products and one 75 minute skinfocus skin treatment.

After cleaning up the diet and adding some skin essential supplements such as Bestow Beauty Plus Oil and the pre & pro biotic Gut Love + the skin took a dramatic turn in only one month. This client eventually could get back to using her Environ RollCIT for natural collagen boosting and the skin is now strong enough to work on pigmentation for the future. Giving a more even skin tone and complexion. Home care products included Dermaviduals Lotion P, Novrithen as day and night moisturiser and SPF 30.

Aro Valley - Making the face fit the age she feels. Not 55.

12 weeks between photos, 5 skin care products, 3 Microneedling Treatments and 1 LED Treatment.

Working hard all year round to maintain a healthy skin and a healthy attitude to life, there’s no telling what life will throw at you. And so a radical approach to inside and outside health really turned around this skin. By the winter months it was ready for Microneedling and the ‘after picture’ was taken after just three of the 90 minute treatments. Home care products include Dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Lotion N, Eye Gel Plus, Customised Moisturiser and of course an SPF. Miss Aro Valley also uses a home roller, the Gold RollCIT and she supplements her diet with the Bestow Beauty Plus Oil each day for extra essential fatty acids.

Aotea - Taking a healthy skin to the next level in the last year of the 40's

4 weeks between photos, 4 skin care products and 2 skinfocus Skin Treatments.

Already an amazing skin due to applying skin products both day and night, Miss Aotea was ready for the next level in home care and that was the Environ RollCIT home roller. This device improves effectiveness of skin products, strengthens the skin and improves collagen. And we can see the strength and texture of this skin improve after only 4 weeks. Starting with 3 times a week and working up to most days of the week. Only taking 5 minutes each use. Home care products consist of Dermaviduals Total Cleansing Cream, Environ Colostrum Gel, Environ Vitamin A Moisturiser and Environ Vitamin A, C & E Oil to add in at night. This client also uses the Environ RollCIT and has internal supplements Bestow Beauty Oil Plus and Beauty Powder.

Brooklyn - Inflammation, dehydration and breakouts not reflective of the healthy lifestyle.

10 weeks between photos, 4 skin care products and 2 skinfocus Skin Treatments.

It’s hard to make sense that such a stressed out, reactive and acne prone skin can come from a healthy lifestyle of yoga and fresh veggies. You can be doing everything right but finding the missing links is key. The skin’s waste management system (the micro-lymphatic system,) in this case is the problem. Helping the body to deal with inflammation via lymphatic drainage was a winner for this skin. Home care used was Dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Liposome Concentrate Plus serum, Plutioderm Plus moisturiser for the break outs and OleoGel Plus as a protective moisturiser. Internal supplements of Bestow Beauty Powder and Beauty Oil Plus, a natural customised foundation Deco and this clients skin had improved enough to begin using the Environ RollCIT throughout this period.

Palmerston North - Improvements in just one week for a 19 year old student

4 weeks between photos, 4 skin care products and 1 skinfocus Skin Treatment

After his Advanced Skin Analysis and 5 years of battling with teen breakouts, it was found that sedentary study, ‘hall food’ and holding down a job was an aggravating factor to this skin problem. By changing skin care and thinking a little more of the environment the skin can be in, this skin had major improvements in just 1 week, before any skin treatment at all. The Tea Tree foaming cleanser purchased from elsewhere was far to stripping and contributed to the purple scarring on the cheeks. Home care used Dermaviduals Total Cleansing Cream, Lotion P Tonic, Liposome Concentrate Plus serum and Plutioderm Plus moisturiser both day and night. Internal supplements used were Bestow Beauty Plus Oil and Beauty Powder for omegas and healing properties.

Wellington Central - Inflammaging (yes, it’s a real thing.) Late 40’s

5 weeks between photos, 3 skin care products and 5 LED skin treatments.

Under immense pressure and prone to rosacea, the skin dried and cracked and was extremely uncomfortable. Inflammation had worsened due to stress leading to diet not being as healthy. Bestow Beauty Oil Plus and Gut Love + bio available supplements for the skin and some hands off skin treatment in the form of LED, helped to relax the skin, the gut and the mind. Home care skin products used dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, OleoGel Plus and Avocado Oil used both morning and night.

Melrose - Pigmentation and skin firming. Late 30’s

3 weeks between photos, 4 skin care products and 1 skinfocus Skin Treatment.

Skin is brighter, firmer and skin tone has started to even out. Pigmentation is one of the hardest skin problems to treat and takes a lot of foundational work. In just 3 weeks the firmness and hydration increase is clear to see and this tells us that cells and systems beneath the skin are a few more steps closer to being able to have that pigmentation treatment and the outcome this clients would like. Home care includes dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Lotion N corrective tonic, Novrithen moisturiser day and night and SPF 30 for the day with skin supplements of Bestow Beauty Oil Plus and Gut Love +.

Khandallah - Itchy, scratchy, reactive neck. Dermatitis in early 60’s

5 weeks between photos, 1 skincare product for the neck and 1 skinfocus Skin Treatment.

Usually good strong skin, transitioning from winter and lots of travel culminated into the reactive cells that are more numerous on the neck and chest area producing a histamine reaction. By taking Miss Khandallah away from her usual regimen and scaling down product usage to just Environ’s A, C & E Oil on the area, we were able to calm the cells and reintroduce skin rolling with Environ’s Gold Roller. Making the skin healthier, happier and less likely to revert back to a reactive skin condition. Skin supplements also used were Bestow Beauty Plus Oil for omegas and Bestow Beauty Powder to support skins natural collagen production.

Karori - Strengthening capillaries and calming rosacea in mid 50’s

15 weeks between photos, 3 skin care products and 4 skinfocus Skin Treatments.

Prone to flushing and blushing throughout a lifetime, puts pressure on those capillaries and can lead ultimately to rosacea. An innate skin condition that can cause intense inflammation and sometimes acne. Keeping up with a healthy diet and balanced lifestyle with some reparation of the gut with Bestow Beauty Plus Oil for omegas, Gut Love + a pre and pro biotic powder. And some gentle handling of the skin with home care products consisting of Dermaviduals Liposome Concentrate Plus serum, Oleogel R and SPF 15.

CBD - Rosacea and textural problems going hand in hand. 

4 weeks, 3 skin care products and 2 skinfocus Skin Treatments.

The skin is smoother when inflammation is down. As in most textural problems, it’s what lies beneath the skin that’s the problem. Before anything appears on the surface a whole hoast of things have been at play in the lower levels of the skin and certainly in this case as far beneath the skin as the stomach. Home skin care includes dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Novrithen day moisturiser and Oleogel R night moisturiser. This client is also on a strict regime from a functional doctor.

Mt. Cook - Light bright skin with fine lines and wrinkles softening. Last year of 30’s

3 weeks between photos, 3 skin care products and 1 skinfocus Skin Treatment.

Never having a problem before, alcohol is now rejected by the body and affects the skin in the form of inflammation. Especially red welts on the cheeks, redness of the jawline, dry itchy forearms and red, itchy and hot chest. This causes fine lines and wrinkles because the natural hydration of the skin is left to evaporate. Home care use is dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Base Cream High Classic Personalised for both day and night and SPF 30. Skin supplements include Bestow Gut Love + and Beauty Plus Oil.

Island Bay - Dehydration and fine lines strengthened in late 30’s

8 weeks between photos, 6 skin care products and 3 skinfocus Skin Treatments.

Dehydration is a struggle of two halves. What fluids are going into the body and delivering to the skin and what fluids are escaping and evaporating off the surface of the skin. Addressing these two areas leads to success and we can then move on to treating other skinconditions. In this case the pigmentation has started to brighten in the second picture. Home care used is dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Whitening anti-pigmentation Serum, Base Cream High Classic Personalised day cream, Novrithen day cream for work in airconditioning, Vitamin Cream Mask night cream and Oleogel Plus also to use as a night balm. SPF 30 with skin supplements such as Bestow Gut Love + and Bestow Beauty Plus Oil.

Te Aro - Acne scarring and visible pores mid 30’s

16 weeks between photos, 4 skin care products, 6 Microneedling Treatments and 1 skinfocus Skin Treatment.

Supported by the skin smoothing and collagen strengthening skin supplements Bestow Beauty Powder and Beauty Plus Oil. Along with skin supporting vitamins and lipids, we’ve see this skin go through the the worst acne, healing and scarring. And now we’re in a position to use the natural scar revision process of Microneedling each year to make improvements to the skin. Going from strength to strength with anti-aging as a bonus year after year. Alongside the skin supplements mentioned, home skin care consists of dermaviduals Total Cleansing Cream, Lotion P corrective tonic, Base Cream Classic Personalised day cream and Mask With Vitamins as a night cream.

Northland - Improvements when you put your mind to it, in late 70’s

6 weeks between photos, 3 skin care products and 2 skinfocus Skin Treatments

Lot’s of travel, lots of positivity and lots of meditation will go a long way to having a great outlook on life and a healthy balance approach to self care. Not one for the botoxed filler look, we’ve made great improvements to a skin that has seen a lot of life! Home rolling between countries with an Environ Gold Roller, when Miss Northland is back in NZ, a priority is a skin treatment including LED photo-biomodulation, 2 – skin masks and relaxing nourishing massage to stimulate blood flow a nutrients to the skin. Home care products include dermaviduals Cleansing Milk, Base Cream High Classic Plus Personalised day cream and OleoGel Plus balm to use in the evening. Skin supplements include Bestow Beauty Plus Oil for omegas and Gut Love + as a natural bioavailable pre and probiotic.

Terms and conditions Skin Revolution 2023

  • Free Skin Review for clients that have previously had an Advanced Skin Analysis with us. No matter how long ago.
  • 55% discount on the special Skin Revolution Skin Analysis only for participants of Skin Revolution.
  • At least 3 products purchased “the basics” for new or returning clients. For existing clients, adding in or stepping up to a higher level of product usage.
  • It’s encouraged to book in all of your discounted Skin Treatments but no pre payment needed.
  • Skin treatments are 45 mins, 1 hour or 75 mins in the Skin Revolution. A special is available for the 12 week Filler Treatments. All courses can be included.
  • Goodie bag to be received at the first skin treatment with a trust that you’re booking in for 3 skin treatments or a course of 12 Filler Treatments.
  • Signed consent required so that we may use your before and after photos albeit totally anonymously.

Treat the skin you’re in, book today