Skin Revolution | Winter Skin Saving Tips – Meredith Hansen

Skin Revolution | Winter Skin Saving Tips – Meredith Hansen



For many, winter brings the joy of skiing, snowshoeing and other outdoor activities and for others, it’s cozying up with a good book by the fire.

But the one thing that we all can agree on is that although winter activities are a highlight for many living in the Okanagan, it also takes a toll on your skin – feeling dry, dull and often (because of the dryness) quite irritated. If this sounds familiar to you, here are a few tips to help you get relief from the dryness of winter and get that healthy glow back.



Add Moisture to the Air

A great way to help with the lack of moisture in the air is to invest in a humidifier for your home, particularly for your bedroom. One of the primary culprits of Okanagan winters is that the ambient humidity is low, which is then compounded by switching on the furnace to stay toasty warm. We work hard to keep our bodies hydrated by consuming our eight glasses a day, but in this climate will rapidly suck water from your skin, making it difficult to drink enough water. Using a humidifier will slow down the moisture-loss process, and your skin will thank you for it.


Barrier Protection & Repair

Another tool to relieve dry itchiness and restore that dewy complexion is to add an oil-based barrier cream such as an OleoGel from Dermaviduals. By using a barrier cream over top of your regular night cream, or when your swishing down

the slopes your skin will be protected and soothed by supporting a healthy barrier function and slow down the loss of water from the surface. Using a barrier cream will keep the balance of oil and water tipped in your skin’s favour!


Winter Aging Rays

Sun protection is a crucial step that is often overlooked during the grey days of winter. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security of not needing an SPF. Did you know that even during the winter, and with cloud cover, UVA (“A” as in Aging) rays are still causing sun damage? While you don’t need the same level

of protection as you would in the summer, a daily SPF 15 will keep the premature ageing rays at bay.

Speaking of UV damage, I still hear clients feeling the need to use the tanning beds at this time of year to boost their mood. Although I understand the need, this is not at all safe for your skin. Instead, I highly recommend sitting in front of a SAD lamp instead.



Tropical Tips

If you like to get away from the cold of the Okanagan for a tropical vacation, be even more mindful of protecting your skin. As tempting as it is to hit the beach to warm up and get a tan, wear a wide-brimmed hat and liberally apply SPF 30.


“When you’re coming from a cold winter climate with light skin to the beautiful sunshine, you’re in prime position to burn.”


I think we all know how uncomfortable tight, tender and sore red skin feels.

If you’re doing all of these things and your skin is still feeling tight, dry and irritated, it may be time to have a professional skin therapist give you direction. An Advanced Skin Consultation will assess what’s happening to your skin on the surface as well below what the naked eye can see using technology like the skin scanner plus go over your current products to ensure you’re not inadvertently doing more damage than good. You’ll be given a highly targeted, custom home care and clinic treatment plan to take home, so you know your exact next steps for revealing healthy, youthful skin.

Although our warm Okanagan summers are what make us famous, winter can be just as much fun – especially when you’re comfortable in your skin!


With Smiles



Let me introduce Meredith Hansen. A regular at the International Association of Applied Corneotherapy conferences I attend and skin studio owner all the way from British Columbia, Canada. Meredith ownes and operates Illuminate Skin Care and Esthetics. With a strong belief in self-care, Meredith’s goal for her clients is to help people love the skin they’re in with an emphasis on making corrective skin care a relaxing experience. “They can go together” says Hansen.
Meredith is always a welcome sight at the international conferences. She strives for education and expanding her knowledge. Asking intelligent questions so she can guide her tribe in the beautiful Okanagan region what is best for their skin. She’s a smart cookie and I’m so proud to have Meredith on board for this years Skin Revolution.
Thank you Meredith Hansen from your Skin Revolution comrades over in Wellington New Zealand xx

Helen Daly – skinfocus

Dermaviduals | May Clinic of the Month by Michele Jacobs

Dermaviduals | May Clinic of the Month by Michele Jacobs

Original Source:


skinfocus sprang up almost 8 years ago in the cool little inner-city suburb of Aro Valley in Wellington NZ. A beautiful mix of weatherboard cottages, hipster cafes and microbreweries and a strong “green” community.

“At the moment Courtney and I (Helen, clinic owner/operator) are the only staff at skinfocus. We’ll be looking for another keen Skin Treatment Therapist once business resumes after social distancing measures have relaxed”. skinfocus is a vibrant clinic where clients and staff alike come to have a laugh. “I’m super lucky to have Courtney who is full time admin and the clients love her. She’s an expert in customer service, so she keeps everyone happy. And a self-confessed social media addict to keep us current in the digital arena. Thank goodness! We’re a great little team and easy adaptors. With the current climate we were searching for new ways to connect with our clients to provide the level of care and service that we would in person. With our new website already in the works, we took this opportunity to bring skinfocus into the digital sphere. And as a result of this we are now offering Remote Skin Analysis and a unique way for our clients to re-order their prescriptions with ease via our brand new website.”



1. What’s your favourite thing about your job?

Our Clients. “I can’t believe I get to hang out with these strong, independent, intelligent yet humble people. It’s my absolute privilege and I can’t believe this is my job! I learn so much from my clients. Most of the time, people find me when they have exhausted most avenues in their quest for skin health. They have ‘been around the block’ enough times to know when someone has their best interests at heart. We are genuinely in this business to get long term skin health results for our clients in the #skinfocusfamily. And I bet I can speak for all dermaviduals stockists when I say; there’s no other feeling like it in the world when you have helped someone gain their confidence back through holistic skin health. It makes a huge difference to people’s lives!”



2. What is your personal mantra?

‘Everyone’s just trying their best.’ “I heard this from a Bhuddist Monk when I needed it most. And it just made so much click into place for me. It means, you never know where someone has come from. You never know where someone has been in their life to lead them up to this point in time. The way someone reacts has everything to do with all the tiny pieces of their life leading up to now. And you will never know the intricacies of that. Even if you’ve known this person all your life. So, this mantra helps me to try to be more understanding of others. Everyone’s just trying their best to get through life the best way they know how. Pretty cool hey?”


3. How has dermaviduals assisted your business?

“I found dermaviduals before I opened my clinic 8 years ago. I knew as soon as I heard about it that I wanted to work with this product. Not only has dermaviduals helped my clinic be more credible and more profitable, (this amazing product sells itself, because it works.) I think dermaviduals has catapulted clinics that stock it, into a whole new realm. Skin clinics that treat serious skin conditions work with dermaviduals. This ain’t no beauty brand! And, so being able to help the most depleted of skins come back to health and happiness has got to be a game changer”.


4. What is your favourite dermaviduals product and why?

Total Cleansing Cream. “With its gel-like “face wash” consistency without stripping the skin, it’s a marvellous product for clients that have been used to a foaming cleanser that we don’t want them to use anymore. I have tested this. After cleansing with the Total Cleansing Cream, I popped my head into a black light machine that we have at the clinic and there was a beautiful layer of essential fatty acids all over my skin, yet it felt so clean. Genius!”


5. What is your number one skin care tip, especially during the recent ISO period?

Get the masks out! “I have taken a measure of our clients’ skin over lockdown and it’s been interesting. Those who have found it a very stressful time, have had some bad skin problems pop up. Those who have taken this time to finally relax and just enjoy this very unique period mother nature has handed to us; have had improvements with their skin. So clearly; keeping a balanced mental state is key. But across the board, a build-up of dead skin seems to be the main concern so, gift yourself an “at home” facial and indulge in a skin treatment mask. We cannot wait for the new dermaviduals Individualised Mask to come out. It’s going to be great for our new “At Home” facial kits we’re launching for Mother’s Day and those who are missing their-in-clinic treatments”.


6. What sets your clinic/treatments apart?

Here at skinfocus we pride ourselves on support. The skinfocus client experience doesn’t finish when they leave the clinic. The guidance and education follow them home. I have worked tirelessly to create a system that feels personalised and full of easy to digest education. There is a lot of information to take in during an analysis or a skin treatment. And I felt what our clients needed was a home care plan that was set out very clearly, especially after a treatment such as Microneedling. As your skin is going through many transformations, it’s very reassuring to have someone checking in and letting you know what’s normal. We also give support to our customers before they see us for a treatment. This is best practice and offers after care advice up front so the client isn’t going to be in a situation that will be detrimental to their treatment afterwards. We have great communication with our customers. And they know that they can come to us with anything. The feedback we get from them is so valuable”.



We are also proud to share, we were successful in 2019, winning the following dermaviduals awards:
Consumers’ Choice – Winner
Corneotherapist of the year – Runner up
Excellence in marketing – Runner up
Senior Therapist of the Year – Runner up
Clinic of the Year – Highly commended



7. How you have managed your business through this recent period of Covid-19 Lockdown?

We miss our clients so much through this recent period of COVID-19 and we can’t wait to meet our new clients out there. So, through social media we have offered practical, non-product aligned advice, foundational health, so that people have a head start with their skin health before we either see them for a ‘Remote Skin Analysis’ or back in the clinic for some skin changing treatments.


8. And finally tell us about your recent interview with CAUGHLEY?

Well, in March, I was invited to share my story with a local fashion company, CAUGHLEY. Nestled down Ghuznee Street in the thriving creative heart of Wellington’s Cuba Quarter you’ll find CAUGHLEY – Founded in 2015 by Rachael Caughley, the store is home to carefully selected pieces from coveted international brands and emerging New Zealand designers. I was excited to talk with Rachael and you can discover my interview with her on her website: CAUGHLEY



Follow our series on Instagram, “Beneath the Skin”, and to keep morale up, there’s the odd funny one in there too. Not to be missed!